A GSG9 holding a SG552
Weapons are the main tools for every players in CrossFire. They are used to take down enemies and bring success to each player's team or themselves.
Weapons can be obtained via Item Shop, Mileage Shop or Black Market, using in-game currency such as GP (Game Points), MP (Mileage Points) or real-money Cash (various currency among servers), and these weapons will be placed in the Item Storage once bought. They can also be obtained by picking up from the ground during gameplay, either already left there by mapmakers, voluntarily dropped by other players, or from dead players (except VVIP weapons and their reskinned counterpart). In Mutation Modes and Zombie Modes, weapons can also be obtained from supply crates. Finally, weapons can be obtained for free by earning Reward Crates or evolving the Nano Soul Stone. Weapons can be crafted from Item Combination System or Weapon Scruples.
Weapon Categories

Weapons in CrossFire are divided into eight categories: Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Machine Guns, Handguns/Sidearms, Melee and Throwable. Players can buy Ammo Mag to increase total ammo for each type of weapon or buy VIP weapons to add more bullets for magazines.
Each player can carry one Primary weapon (Rifle, SMG, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, and Machine Gun), one Secondary weapon (Any Handgun, Dual Double Barrel or MAC-10), one Melee (The default Knife/Wood Hammer or any other Melee weapons) and up to three Thrown weapons (if players have Expand Grenade Bag). Players have two bags (one in CF Japan) to store weapons to bring into the game, and they can buy additional bags from 3 to 7 to bring even more weapons to choose from.
Players can own weapons up to 7 times (Same with current maximum bags available), and they won't be able to purchase any more after this. The Black Market prizes, if won, will display "Item adding failed" to indicate that players have reached its limit. In some cases, certain weapons don't have this restriction.
Weapon Management
Initially, after weapons are used in the game (Except in Mutation Mode), weapons will start to wear out and decrease accuracy; players can repair them by spending GP earned after each match. Heavily damaged weapons are often hard to control as the crosshairs will become very large, making aiming difficult, in addition to a high kickback that makes spraying hard to control. Damaged weapons, when sold, will earn less GP because the amount of GP needed to repair it will be deduced from the payout. Some special weapons from Reward Crates won't wear out, same as the event prizes given to players by publishers on occasion. Melee weapons never wear out though some may feature damage bar, they will always be at 100%. Later, this was changed so that no matter how long the weapons are used in the game, they will never wear out, thus players won't need to repair them after every match any more.
Only GP weapons bought from Item Shop can be sold back for GP (except CF China). Cash weapons can only be rented temporarily so they can't be sold, but they can be deleted in some versions. Players also have the option to renew the renting time in their Storage (trying to buy it again will add a second gun into players' storage instead). In some versions, Main Prize Weapons won from Black Market are permanent and cannot be sold back; this was likely done to prevent account vandalism should players share their account with other friends. Temporary weapons won from Black Market sometimes won't have the renew option - they are categorized as "Black Market Weapons" to prevent duplicates.
Version Differences
- CF China: GP weapons cannot be sold back for GP, they can only be deleted.
- CF Korea and CF Japan: Permanent weapons won from Black Market can be sold back for GP.
- CF Indonesia: All permanent weapons from Black Market can be sold, except Kriss SV.
- CF Vietnam, CF Russia and CF West: Permanent weapons won from Black Market can't be sold, but if players want to delete, they need buy "weapon deletion ticket" from the webshop.
- CF Philippines and CF Vietnam: Temporary weapons can be deleted - first, they will be moved to the Deleted Tab and will vanish after 14 days. During this period, if players change their mind, they can restore deleted temp weapons from the Deleted Tab.
- CrossFire lacks cocking and bolt-cycling animation for 3rd Person View. This makes the characters who carry bolt-action sniper rifles (M700, AWM, Barrett M82A1, etc); single-action handguns (Ruger Bisley, M1858 New Army, Colt SAA, etc); or level-action rifles (Winchester, Mossberg 464 SPX, etc) are seen firing these weapons in a likely semi-automatic way if viewed in third person.
- Weapons with shiny effect ("shader") or visual effect somehow require more CPU resources to be displayed properly on the screen. When the players first enters a match, switches to a bag with such weapons, or use the F key from AK12-Iron Spider to used copied weapons, the screen would freeze for a few seconds before the weapons could be shown. This happens only once during a match, as the weapon's texture is then kept in the RAM memory so it won't freeze again. It's unknown what caused this.
- This is somehow very annoying when picking up Supply Boxes in Mutation Mode and variants.
- Said weapon still can be seen clearly in dark angle/corner or places of any maps.
- By the end of 2019, the weapon repair feature has been removed altogether in many versions, which mean all weapons now won't need to repair after every match, thus players can save GP to buy items, weapons, or open crates.
- This was first started in CF Vietnam in the 2019 Halloween update. CF Philippines, CF West, CF Russia, CF Korea and CF Brazil also followed this in the November 2019 update as well.
- Due to the game's age, weapons in CrossFire features a lot of unrealistic animations:
- When reloading magazine-fed weapons, player characters always rack the charging handle regardless of whether the weapon is empty or not. In real life, reloading when the gun isn't empty only requires swapping the magazines as there's still a round in the chamber so the gun can be fired right away.
- When reloading revolvers, player characters always dump out the entire cylinder and insert a new set in without a visible speedloader. In real life, bullets must be loaded into a Speedloader for this tactical reload to work.
- When reloading break-action shotguns like the Double Barrel Shotgun or Dual Desperado, the entire chambers are always refilled even if only 1-2 rounds have been fired.
- Many old weapons feature optical zoom scope that magnifies the entire screen, which is illogical as scopes can only magnify a limited area within its viewpoint, much like how scopes on Sniper Rifle functions. This has been partially addressed by replacing optical zoom scopes with actual dot sight scope or holographic scope in newer weapons.
Weapons List
The following is a complete list of original weapons available in most CF versions up-to-date, with new one being released every once in a while.
To update the list, please edit the template WeaponsNav.