Crossfire Wiki
ItemIcon 4574

ZM Stone

ItemIcon 3771

Material Box

Weapon Upgrade System is a weapon system in CrossFire. It allows players to upgrade certain weapons to a newer form and buffs its usefulness.


  • CF China
  • CF Brazil


Players can visit the WU shop via a menu in the Item Shop - here, they can check out all upgrade able weapons as well as their levels, and related perks that come with it. Upgrading a weapon requires material such as Material Boxes (for Royal Guard weapons) which can be bought from Mileage Shop, or ZM Stones (for AK47-Buster) which can be obtained through Crater 2 or bought from the Trade System.

Each time a weapon is upgraded, it will gain additional perks such as increased ammo per magazine, more spare ammo, faster drawing/reloading speed,... In addition, the weapon will change its appearance based on the level it reaches - there are usually a total of 3 forms. Unlike with Wave Mode's class cards, upgrading is 100% success as long as players have enough materials.

Upgradeable Weapons


