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ItemIcon 3060

Upgrade Kit

Reward Jewel

ZM Stone

ItemIcon 7748

Supreme ZM Stone

ItemIcon 7749

Supreme Potion

Weapon Upgrade System is a weapon system in CrossFire. It allows players to upgrade certain weapons to a newer form and buffs its usefulness.


Players can visit the WU shop via a menu in the Item Shop - here, they can check out all upgradeable weapons as well as their levels, and related perks that come with it. Upgrading a weapon requires corresponding materials, however.

Each time a weapon is upgraded, it will gain additional perks such as increased ammo per magazine, more spare ammo, faster drawing/reloading speed,... In addition, the weapon will change its appearance based on the level it reaches - most of these weapons usually a total of 3 forms. Unlike with Wave Mode's class cards, upgrading is 100% success as long as players have enough materials.

There are three types of materials to upgrade corresponding weapons:

  • Upgrade Kit: Material for Royal Guard weapons. Obtainable via Mileage Shop.
  • ZM Stone: Material for Anti-Zombie weapons. Obtainable by playing certain Zombie Mode or bought from the Trade System (not available in all servers).
  • Supreme ZM Stone: Special material for Anti-Zombie weapon such as AA-12-Buster. This material is obtainable when combining 25 ZM stones and 1 Supreme Potion (bought from Item Shop).


  • Available in all CrossFire versions

Upgradeable Weapons[]

Anti-Zombie Weapon Dismantle System[]

Players can dismantle most Anti-Zombie weapons (except VVIP weapons and their variants), including Black Market/Item Shop weapons such as M240B-Tesla, P90-Wild Shot, Xuan Yuan Sword, or free-obtainable ones like AK47-Buster, Mini Gigant Fist, etc. This system can help players to remove unexpected duplicated Anti-Zombie weapons in the Item Storage, and most of these weapons can be dismantled into 20 ZM Stone, while the upgraded Level 2/Level 3 weapons can be dismantled into 25/35 ZM Stones. Notice that some versions allows and don't allow to dismantle specific weapons, such as Dragon Blade (not able to dismantle) in CF Vietnam, CF China, and CF Philippines or Guardian Fist (able to dismantle) in CF Philippines.

