Crossfire Wiki

War Fan is a kind of melee weapon featured in CrossFire.


War Fan is basically a black Japanese hand fan armed with 12 small blades on the tip of the fan for close combat. It also has 2 dragon designs and a Kanji writing plus a Yin and Yang symbol in the center of the fan. Statics wise, this weapon is quite close to Jungle Knife with similar animation, but it no longer features 2-hit secondary attack. War Fan also features a special drawing animation in which player characters fold down the fan before closing it and smack it into their hand like Spanner.


  • CF Brazil
  • CF Philippines
  • CF China
  • CF Russia (Soon)


  • Just like M4A1-Guitar, this melee is obtainable for the pre-order of Desert Eagle-El Dorado in CF Brazil for 30 days.
  • Although War Fan is used in its closed form, the killmark shows its open form instead. This is likely to make it more recognizable.
  • This weapon re-used some animation and features of other melee weapons.
    • Its draw animation is similar to Spanner and Iron Hammer. Its idle animation is similar to Kukri, Keris and Wooden Hammer. Its running animation is similar to BC-Axe Beast and Jungle Knife. While its primary attack animation is similar to Iron Hammer.
    • The slashing sound effect is re-used from Shadow Knives
  • In CF Philippines, this melee is a limited edition weapon along with Thunderbolt Hammer costing 5 EC for 3 hours, which is very cheap. Although it's not permanent, renewing it even when the item is gone is still possible.




Cross Fire Brazil War Fan (Leque de Ferro) !-1502634397


War Fan CROSSFIRE China 2.0 EXP
