Hi everyone, it's me again. It's pretty a long time since I left the work here due to my personal work (life has been... "lifing" literally).
Ok let's get to the point. You can see lately I was fixing and deleting many articles to make it more comprehensive and become less messy. Ron and I have discussed and agreed some things, and you guys here need to know before creating newer articles (and I will work on it in the upcoming month).
Alternate Skins[]
- All articles about Alternate Skins of VVIP weapons will be deleted. Ron said these amount of VVIP weapon skins are mostly available in CF China and won't ever be likely to released globally, and they will eventually become independent weapons instead. It's pointless when weapon skins are prioritized only in CF China but not for other servers (you know who to blame then). Instead, all weapon skins will be in their own perspective pages.
- So how to arrange? We will use the BagIcon images and put them the Alternate Skins section with the name only. Initinally, we used the skin ItemIcon to mark the weapon skins, but after the 3.0 update, both weapons and weapon skins have proper BigItemIcon so we will use them instead.
- And the Render and HUD? Just create the "Skins" tabber and put them there. And to avoid the page becoming bulky, each weapon skin should only have one Render and one HUD.
- An example has been made for Butterfly Knife-Luminous Edge. You can check at how neat it becomes instead of creating multiple articles for skins.
Weapon Infobox ~ secondary stats[]
- The secondary stats about Scope View or Melee Attack (or anything similar) will no longer accept demonstration image. Yes, it looks nice on the desktop view when you look for information about a weapon, but it is a disaster on the mobile view; furthermore, it takes a big space for that tiny section, which is unnecessary. And I won't mention how illogical it is when you use a single image for all similar weapons.
- Just write words instead, it's not that hard to describe or understand its function. If you still see any articles that still use similar demonstration images, please remove it and write words instead.
Article Track Updates[]
At time, most of the staffs might be busy when an update patch comes, and not every Mod or Admin play all CrossFire versions (trust me, that would take lots of personal time); therefore, it would be great if all of us give hands and update the articles, especially the Availability section (that's the easiest part, I gotta say).
Also the Variants section. It's really essential to update this section too (remember to put it in alphabet order) because new weapons and characters just keep adding and adding to the game. CF Wikia now has over 4000 pages and it will keep growing in the future, so this Variants section will be very helpful if you are looking for a weapon but doesn't know its name.
Lack of Kill Icon[]

Aside from the main weapon image in the infobox, there is also the kill icon (which most players tend to call it as "killmark"), like the M4A1's in this case. While it is not mandatory, it is still essential to fully display a weapon when you or other players use it to beat others. If you see any pages that still lack this element, let the staff know so we will manage to add it.
The End[]
That's all. Maybe it's a bit late to revamp many things for this 16-year-old shooting game but hey, it's still alive, so it's still necessary to keep CF Wikia in orders. I personally still have lots of things to do at the moment, and I can't do for the whole day.
And by the way, if you are interested to become a CF Wiki staff, contact RonBWL for more information.