I was just wondering what the best ZM Equipment is as I never delve into the gamemode really.
My question is what the best weapons are, from best to worst. I know the Anti-Zombie category is a thing but it's really messy. I would like to know the best to worst disregarding VVIPs and Crate Weapons, only weapons that are earnable through the ZM Maps.
Another question is, are some Zombie Weapons specific in order to get the next tier? For example I always thought you use AA-12 Infection to obtain AK-47 Buster to get the M4A1-S Under Tech, to get the Holy Shotgun.
And finally, what's the best VVIP Character? I have Nymphs but I was just wondering if any outperform her Heal+Infin ammo combo.
Thanks a bunch, and any extra items you can suggest. My goal is to get all the earnable Anti-Zombie Weapons lvl 3.