Crossfire Wiki


Crossfire Wiki

Just updating some progress on the article overhauling as well as some new rules for you guys to keep in mind when updating articles:

Retiring Advantage / Disadvantage[]

This section is too subjective and differs from server to server, so we're going to retire it completely. Admins and Mods will now remove this from all articles, and they shouldn't be added to new articles going forward.

Custom weapon variants[]

Previously, we listed all skins and custom variants of all weapons under their stock variant, but as the list grows, it becomes harder and harder to track. So, stock weapons will now list only skins under the Variants section, all custom model are given a new section, Customization, which links to its stock custom variant. Which leads to...

Non-Existent Weapons[]

SmileGate just got an unrelatable habit of making new weapon model with skins, but never released a stock variant for it. For ease of access purpose, we made the Non-Existent Weapons category that list all of these "stock weapons" that don't actually exist in CrossFire - the purpose is to have these articlea as the landing pages for all reskin variants under that specific model. This makes navigating a lot easier, especially with seasonal weapons like Card.

Spelling format[]

The word CrossFire must be spelled as-is, with uppercase C and F. Likewise, Black List and Global Risk must be spelled as two words and capitalized as BL and GR.

When referring to specific servers, the standard format will be CF <name> (ex: CF Vietnam, CF China...). Do not spell "CrossFire" in full for this case, it'll be too clunky.

CF North America will be updated to CF West in all article. This is because there are no more legacy contents that only exist in CF North America that CF West didn't have, so this server name should be updated accordingly.

Alias for Weapons and Characters[]

The Alias section is to spell out weapon and character's name as they display on the HUD in-game for each server. This name must be fully spelled, followed by a two-letter word denoting server name (CN, VN, PH, WE or BR).

Update Feb 5th 2025:

Character Overview[]

This section is to describe the Character's appearance and certain real-life info (If available). The standard format will be: -Character name is (insert basic info here, either background or real-life stuff that describe them). -The BL side wears (describe their uniform, be it appearance and color), while the GR wears (repeat)

Do NOT add stuff like personalities, trivial stuff, etc... in this section.