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Trade Cash

Trade System is a section in the game that introduces loot boxes that contain different items, and a marketplace for said boxes and their contents.


Trade Key

As users play the game, they may randomly receive a Loot Box at the end of a match. Users can only receive one loot box per week. These boxes require Keys to open them and get their content otherwise users may sell the boxes for and/or its exclusive items on the marketplace for cashpoints.

Upon acquiring a loot box, it is placed inside the player's storage. When opening the boxes, keys must first be purchased by cash (priced very cheaply). Once the box is opened the user can either use the item inside or sell it on the market. Once the item is used by the player, it cannot be sold.

Players dictate the price of all boxes and items sold on the market; usually based on their type, rarity, and if they are permanent or temporary. Take note that most items from loot boxes are VVIP Weapon Customization. The sold items/weapons are various between servers.

There is also purchase restriction depending on the user's rank. High-rank users can trade more items all at once.

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  • CF China
  • CF Russia
  • CF Indonesia
  • CF Philippines
  • CF Brazil
  • CF West



  • CF Vietnam is the only server that has Trade System's items before it comes.
    • On the 10th-anniversary celebration offline in CF Vietnam, Trade System was stated by VTC Game to be updated, but no specific date or time is mentioned. This system is still not available in CF Vietnam yet.
      • The reason behind presumably is VTC Game (later VTC Online) uses the premium currency Vcoin (GoCoin) for all of its games, including CrossFire. Adding Trade System could potentially occur some serious exploit, so VTC Game (VTC Online) hesitates to introduce it to CFVN. Instead, all Trade System related contents are sold directly.
  • Due to a ZP exploit, Z8 Games decided to remove this system in both CF West and CF Brazil. Exclusive prizes in Trade System were later available in Coupon Exchange or events.
  • Starting from Arcadia, Doll scruples are provided in the form of Tickets instead of the usual fragments that can be crafted permanently. This is because the dolls, once acquired from the Tickets, can be sold in the Trade System or receive to player's storage. This system is preserved even in CF servers that don't have Trade System.
  • Some VVIP dolls are not packed on the loot box. Meaning, players can now either transfer to storage or sell it. It doesn't needed to use the keys.
  • In CF Philippines, the Trade System was temporary unavailable after the August patch.
    • It has been reopened after the September 7 patch, unfortunately it has still not fixed the 1 trade per login issue.
    • Some bonus eCoin acquired from Lucky Draw event can't be used to purchase items from Trade System.