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Crossfire Wiki

Shotgun is a firearm that is usually designed to be fired from the shoulder, which uses the energy of a fixed shell to fire several small spherical pellets called shot or a solid projectile called a slug. Most shotguns are chambered for 12 gauge buckshot shells.

Shotguns come in semi-automatic, pump-action, break-action (side-by-side double-barrel, over/under double-barrel, quadruple-barrel), fully automatic, bolt action, and revolver variants.


Shotguns are very deadly in close range. Upon pulling the trigger, several pellets are fired in a spread pattern. A few shotguns can use slugs which are solid projectiles for long-range shooting.

Most of the shotguns that are released in CrossFire are semi-automatic, but some of them are pump-action or break-action and are generally more powerful as well as more stable & accurate than the semi-automatic shotguns.


Shotguns produce massive damage when fired at close range as it can instantly score a kill if all the pellets hit the target, however, their effectiveness is almost completely reduced when fired at long range. Shotguns can hit targets without needing pinpoint accuracy due to their pellet spread, but centered shots still deal the most damage. Shotguns in general tend to be fairly light in weight, so it is possible to strafe and dodge incoming bullets.

All shotguns in CF vary in shell pellet spread: most shotguns have their pellets spread out widely at medium range, resulting in low damage at those distances. Other shotguns retain a tight pattern at medium range, resulting in more pellets hitting the target (and therefore more damage).

One of the worst drawbacks of shotguns is that the full reload usually takes agonizingly long, perhaps the second-longest reload in the game. This will leave you vulnerable to attack, therefore reloading in the middle of combat is highly not recommended. To compensate this, most pump-action shotguns that require manual reload allow players to do reload cancel and fire immediately, although some are slower than others due to the extra pumping animation. Semi-automatic shotguns have shorter reload time, at the cost of unable to fire until the reload is finished.

Shotgun Slugs[]

A few shotgun variants can use powerful slug shells that can kill in one shot up to the long-range, but they need time to swap from buckshot shells to a single slug shell or vice-versa. It is because the slug is a single projectile (like a rifle bullet), pinpoint accuracy is needed. After shooting a loaded slug, the player has to swap another fresh slug shell again.

Weapon List[]


  • (P) - This weapon is a pump-action shotgun.
  • (B) - This weapon is a break-action shotgun.
  • (b) - This weapon is a bolt-action shotgun.
  • This list only counts stock shotguns, re-skinned variants are included in their respective pages.


  • Strangely, upon entering gameplay a player with higher latency (ping). Player can slash with a Knife but also has an ability to shoot with the XM1014 (without it's physical appearance), as it takes much longer to draw the primary weapon until the latency lower. Player can freely roam, any enemies on sight. Upon getting shot, it deals no damage at all.
  • Technically, the Dual Double Barrel is classified as a Shotgun, but it is put into secondary weapon slot, making it the second Secondary weapon not to be classified as a Pistol, along the MAC-10.
  • There are four different colors of 12-gauge shells used in CrossFire shotguns so far:
    • The red one, common among all shotguns (Buckshot).
    • The green one (which is also applied on slug shells) is used on XM1014s.
    • The blue one is used on Remington 870s (and AA-12-Buster as anti-zombie ammo).
    • The grey one is exclusive for AA-12 Buster in its charged form (Buster Shot).
      • The black one is unusable, but typically can be seen in few shotguns (e.g. 870P Breachers)
      • Similarly, Gold shells exists as unusable ammo type, mounted on SPAS-12-Gold Core.
  • The slug shells portrayed in CrossFire are colored in green, whereas in reality, green slug shells are commonly well-known made by Remington.
  • In CF Indonesia, players often ban shotguns (sometimes machine guns as well) from entering S&D rooms, especially in maps with a lot of corners (such as Castle and Mexico) since the Serbu Super-Shorty had been released. This is because the tendency of the shotguns to 1-hit kill opponents at close range is very high in CQB between corners, making shotguns over-powered.
    • In CF Vietnam, players who pulled combo with shotguns are also likely to be kicked, especially players with slug shotguns and/or Serbu Super-Shorty as they can easily kill enemies both at close and long range.
  • Shotgun is the last weapon class to receive a VVIP variant, probably because Tencent thought too much about trying to balance gameplay with a VVIP gun without making it inferior to Black Market variants. This is also the only weapon class to not receive bonus ammo per magazine with VVIP. Instead, it provides extra spare magazine with equipped VVIP shotguns (this feature is available in CF China only).
  • Unlike other Pump Action, A-Bolt Shotgun is the only shotgun that makes as Bolt Action.
    • So far, there's one missing firing mode types for the shotgun which is the lever-action shotgun are the only one left.
  • Weapons with slug shells are able to mid-cancel the draw and/or reload animation by pressing RMB (changing slug/buckshot shell) during the mentioned animation. Due to this, player can immediately insert slug/buckshot shell when switching the gun, thus save time for player when entering a closed area.
  • For some reasons, scoring with slug shells won't show the player's Scout Badge, instead it will only show the default star killmark.
    • Moreover, scoring Headshot with slug shells by AA-12-Transformers also show the default headshot killmark instead of the VVIP one.
  • Unique from other weapon categories, enemy killed by shotguns will have unique death animation which they'll be sent flying back (except slug shell).
    • This unique animation was later applied for Kukri-Beast's Goodbye Brother perk.
  • 687 EELL is the only shotgun can reached at long range but it deals low damage.
  • AA-12, Jackhammer and Vepr-12 are only combat shotgun with full-automatic firing.
    • A-Bolt Shotgun is the only shotgun fires in bolt-action and uses an illogical optical zoom.

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