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Crossfire Wiki

Mini Capsule is a sub-section in the Capsule Shop. While it still offer capsules with rare, permanent items like GP and Cash capsules, there are a few difference that makes this section quite unique.


As its name suggests, Mini Capsule contains capsules with a smaller pool prize (9 comparing to 14 with normal capsules), and only 2 will be given randomly upon opening. There are no Coupons in Mini Capsules, thus players will only win either permanent prize or a junkie item inside the capsule plus GPs. Also junkie prizes are much less varied and have shorter usage time (up to 7 days only). GP earned is also quite low comparing to GP and Cash capsules.

Depend on each server, Mini Capsule's price are often 1/3 or 1/2 time cheaper than normal Cash capsules, but winning rate for permanent prize is also much lower (To prevent brute-force with cash-rich players).


  • CF Japan
  • CF Brazil
  • CF Philippines
  • CF Vietnam
  • CF Russia
  • CF Indonesia

