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"A bizarre amalgamation of the Mutant bio-weapon and Black List's Ghost stealth technology was developed by an unidentified weapons manufacturer. Maiden has escalated the Mutant War to new heights."
- in-game description

Maiden is a female mutant character in CrossFire, playable in Mutation Mode.


This mutant seems to be a crazy nurse after the nano infection, and she attacks with her lancets or neon claws. She has slower movement speed than the Dread and the Slug but has a higher jumping height than normal mutants, allowing her to reach high platform easily. She is one of the most popular mutant characters in many CrossFire version due to it being one of the first purchasable mutants and one of the most useful mutants as well.

Her Slug (Level 1) form features gray skin, her arms are equipped with 2 lancets in different positions. Her Berserker (Level 2) form changes the clothes and other aspects of the Maiden to white, also giving her blue claws on her fingers for slashing and stabbing. Her Titan (Level 3) form features a reskin of her Berserker form to red, with red claws and red dress.


By default, Maiden jumps higher than other mutants. Her [G Skill] allows her to temporary turn slightly invisible just like Ghost. Unfortunately on Titan form, invisibility is not effective due to the transparent red color of the particles surrounding her appearance, making her much easier to be exposed than her Berserker form. This skill is still very deadly, however, because soldiers often try to focus on other mutants such as Dread or Slug, so they pay less attention to Maiden's presence. In often occasion, Maiden can sneak into heavily defense position while the soldiers are busy fending off other mutants, bringing easy win for the mutants.



  • When was first released, Maiden has a dangerous glitch that if the player turns into Host/Berserk mutant, press G (Speed Bost skill) and then select Maiden, she'll be stuck with permanent speed boost while also able to use her invisible skill, makes her very dangerous. It was fixed later, and now if players do the same trick (press G as default mutant then choose Maiden), she'll immediately be in her invisibility form.
  • In CF Indonesia, Maiden was uniquely called as Suster Ngesot ("suster" is the Indonesian for "nurse", while "ngesot" is the Javanese for "walking dragged") which is a famous female ghost of an Indonesian horror movie with the same name who walks by dragging herself around in a quite hospital during midnight since she can't walk because she had her legs disabled upon died. However, Maiden in CrossFire still walks by her feet instead of dragging herself around.
  • CF Vietnam features temporary Maiden for 30 days, along with Slug (also for 30 days), inside a special Zombie capsules that contains RPK-Gold and Gatling Gun Gold as best prizes. Due to a coding error however, when players win her, there's a global announcement stated "[IGN] has won [Maiden] from Capsule Shop", making her the only temporary prize to receive a global announcement when won. This glitch has been fixed in later patches.
  • In Hero Mode, the height of jump on the Maiden is nerfed to that of the normal mutant, to acquire the high jump she has, players must evolve into Berserker or above. This glitch is fixed in Hero Mode X and later mode variants.
  • Due to a texture glitch, Titan Maiden appears to wear no panties, having only a semi-transparent black rectangle going about halfway around where they should be. Mutants will tend to try and get under Titan Maidens to see this, or players will kill themselves and watch survivors that have this mutant in third person to get a better view.
  • For a while, the higher jumps and the ability to turn invisible has caused the Maiden to become the most hated mutant in CF Vietnam. If a Maiden infects a player not paying attention, breaking a defense, many players would blame it on the Maiden instead of trying to pay more attention on their surroundings. As a result, most Maidens are easily being kicked out of the match by many players, make them aren't likely to last long in Mutation Mode rooms, even on high ranking servers. Even Enchantress also faces the same problem even though she can't use the invisible skill like Maiden.


