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Killmark x6

Killmark is a HUD element that displays when players complete or do a certain action, the most common is scoring a kill or doing an objective. Killmarks can be customized by equipping various custom killmarks obtained from the Item Shop or Trade System.

DISCLAMER: This article only features Official Killmarks that are set by default or sold in the game.


Killmark is displayed at the bottom center of the screen when players score kill and build up a Kill Streak. Special kills, such as Grenade and Knife Kills will display a separate special Killmark assigned to such action. Killmarks last for one second and then slowly fade away. There is also an invisible timer for how long your Kill Streak has until it resets which can be boosted, allowing more time to continue your Kill Streak.


Killstreaks are an invisible timer for how long you have until you need to score another kill for the Killmark to add another 'leg' to your Killmarks' star. The Killmark star has 6 'legs' and fills the top center 'leg', and continues clockwise until it is filled. Even when a player achieves a 7 Kill Streak or higher, it still only shows the 6-legged star. This timer can be extended by using certain items. This includes rings from the Accessory System, upgrading certain VVIP weapons using the Weapon Growth option, and using Sicarios' special perk.

A special variant of the Kill Streaks is available in Zombie Mode (Defense and Trial Challenge) that keeps track of player's combo against zombies, but unlike the PVP Killstreak, it's displayed at the center top of the screen and slowly fade away until it's ended and return a grade result. Just like with PVP Killstreak, the timer can be boosted via rings and VVIP Weapons.

Siscario has a special perk that extend killstreak timer, represented by a small Killmark Icon near the HP/AC counter, replacing Furious Kick icon. Whenever players score a kill, this Icon will light up and slowly fade off, giving players cue on how much time they have left to score another kill to maintain their killstreaks.

Recent updates to TDM/FFA HUD has upgraded killstreak to include a timer at the center of the screen, showing up as soon as players score their first kill. This timer will now show exactly how long they have to score their next kill to build up and maintain their killstreak.

Upgrading Killmarks[]

Completing certain Badge by scoring the necessary kills will upgrade the default killmarks by adding wings to both side of the circle. This will only apply to the default killmark.

Custom Killmarks[]

Before the CrossFire 2.0 update, Killmarks were stored in the rez/UI/Badge folder, where players were free to modify them to their taste. With the introduction of the 2.0 update and Ranked Match, Custom Killmarks were sold or earned to replace the default Killmark instead. Initially, only Ranked Match Reward killmarks were available, but later on, many new custom Killmark sets were introduced, either available in the Item Shop or Trade System.

Using VVIP weapons, a Headshot kill (Silver/Gold Skull) would be replaced with a more detailed and better-looking badge.

When using a VVIP Set, starting with the Guan Yu set, the Killmark would be replaced by a Custom Killmark but required players to equip a full weapon set for it to apply. These will override the Custom Killmark in the Item tab.

Version Differences[]

  • CF Vietnam features special Headshot killmarks that show a red/yellow apple being pierced with an arrow rather than the default grey/gold Skull with a bullet hole killmark. This change was made following the 2010 incident to reduce violence elements in-game. All custom killmarks and VVIP killmarks retain the Headshot Icon, however.
    • Another downgrade is when transferred to VTC Online, the knife logo on Knife Killmark was removed, making it ridiculously empty.
  • CF West features a different Killmark Upgrade effect, which features a bolder and clearer wing on the killmarks.


  • Kill Streaks has multiple names, as it has been referred to as continual kills judging time, extended combo time, kill multiplier, kill streak window, consecutive kills, and continuous kills.
  • Originally, the Killmark icon was a 5-legged star that eventually filled each 'leg' clockwise. It was changed to a 6-legged star later.
    • In some versions, when you achieved a 6 Kill Streak, the 5-legged star would suddenly turn into a 6-legged star. This was later changed to show only a 6-legged star being filled up during a Kill Streak.
    • In some versions, while the Killmark icon is a 6-legged star, the lightning effect still incorrectly shows 5-legged star.
  • The max Kill Streak timer can be 27.9 seconds between each kill by having 2 Rings each with three-5 Star Extended Combo Time adding 6 seconds, and buying 7 of every upgradeable VVIP Weapon (39) then upgrading all to max level and get the +1 second kill time frame (including the VVIP character like Sicarios).
    • This is nowhere possible because you need to equip all the upgraded VVIP Weapons and have the bag space for it.
  • In CF West, some players were punished for using custom Killmarks before the folder was moved into the REZ files.
    • CF China and CF Vietnam players are still able to have custom Killmarks but they need a bypass and have to be careful how they modify the files to not get detected.
  • Badge axe
    Initially, the killmark file contains both knife killmarks with an axe or a knife. The Axe one was only used for a short time when BC-Axe was first released, but the knife killmark is now used on all weapons.

Killmark List[]
