Crossfire Wiki
"Battle rifle with 7.62mm NATO rounds and developed by H&K. It has a high recoil but also high power and accuracy to support single burst fire."
- in-game description

HK417 is a battle rifle featured in CrossFire.


The HK417 has a high damage rate and accuracy rating with below-average RoF. Due to this, it's incredibly stable when fired in single shots or in short bursts, having a very tight shot grouping and experiencing very little recoil. Due to its low rate of fire, however, its performance in close combat is lacking.

True to its purpose and stats; the gun excels in mid and long-range combat, as the high stability, damage, and accuracy make it a formidable marksman weapon. That said, it is advisable not to use this in close combat as the low rate of fire limits potential damage per second, in comparison to better alternatives.


  • Moderate-high damage dealing.
  • High accuracy.
  • Standard assault rifle magazine capacity (30 rounds per mag).
  • Fast drawing speed.


  • High recoil.
  • Slow rate of fire.
  • Loses accuracy when sprayed.
  • Slow reloading speed.
  • Loud firing noise.


  • CF China
  • CF Japan
  • CF Vietnam
  • CF Korea
  • CF Philippines
  • CF West
  • CF Brazil


  • The weapon is made for bursts and single shots. The weapon is best used in this manner in mid and long-range.
  • The weapon is very stable. There is little-to-no kickback from the recoil if fired properly, allowing you to suppress enemies effectively.
  • Full auto is stable as well, but the low rate of fire makes it a bad choice if you have an aggressive playstyle.





