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Crossfire Wiki

Howa Type 89 is an assault rifle featured in CrossFire.


The Type 89 has medium recoil and its accuracy gives it a very tight shot grouping when firing in bursts or single shots. Its damage and RoF is above average, making it particularly balanced in medium and long range. It also ignores the damage penalty of penetrating soft cover like wood, one of the few ARs capable of doing so.

Its downsides, however, is that its one of the heaviest assault rifles in the game and has a longer reload time compared to other rifles, making it ineffective for assault-oriented players due to it's inherent slowness.

Overall, the Type 89 is best used by players who prefer fighting enemies from a distance. The full wall-bang and generally balanced combat performance makes it a decent weapon for players who prefer to gun down their enemies from a distance.


  • CF Korea
  • CF China
  • CF West
  • CF Philippines
  • CF Brazil
  • CF Vietnam


  • At medium ranges, it is recommended to burst fire, as spray will knock the weapon around, missing the target.
  • At long ranges, burst fire, but burst less often then at medium range, due to precision being needed for long range kills.
  • Spray or burst at short ranges. If the enemy has low health, burst is most likely the best option to go with.
  • The Type 89 is one of the few weapons in-game that can perform full wall-bangs. Its best used for flushing out targets who think they're safe behind soft cover, like wooden crates.
  • Not suited for aggressive players due to the slow reload time, heavy weight, and average RoF.



  • The firing sound of this gun in CF West, CF Europe, CF Vietnam and CF Brazil version is mistakenly using from the Type 89-Customfrom CF Japan. Experienced players sometimes use this gun while playing Ghost Mode, since it sounds like the MP5-Adv. It should be noticed that the range of the firing sound is still noticeable over 30 meters.
  • Strangely, this gun is not available in CF Japan, even though the Custom version is available here. Also vice-versa for the Custom version, which is only available in CF Japan and not in other versions.
  • During the old days, this gun got a bug where if players equipped this gun and playing on the BL side, the character's HUD will use GR's HUD model while still have the BL's texture (see screenshot below). It has been fixed later. It's similar to the Glock-18 and RPK-Gold but in vice-versa.
  • In real life, Type 89 has never been exported outside Japan due to its strict anti-hardware export policy. So it's ironically to see the gun being sold in the Item Shop and used freely in the game by any character.


