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Dragunov (also known as Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova or Dragunov Sniper Rifle) is a kind of semi-automatic sniper rifle that is featured in CrossFire.


Dragunov is unique among all semi-automatic sniper rifle that it unzooms after each shoot and then zoom in again, making it quite hard for continuous shoot (similar to bolt-action snipers). Due to the usage of 7.62x54mmR ammunition, this gun deals very high damage per shoot, sometimes capable of 1-hit kill enemies if hit correctly, but most of the time it requires 2 shoots like most other semi-automatic sniper rifle. Dragunov has a fast firing rate and reloading speed, but accuracy bit off at long range and produces louder firing noise.

In all CF servers, this gun is available in Item Shop as GP item.


  • Available in all CrossFire versions


  • In CF Indonesia, the Dragunov doesn't make any sounds when being reloaded in 1st Person view.
  • The Dragunov has a major flaw, it is confirmed to have a "Hit Detection" error in its use, For example you can score a perfect chest/headshot BUT it registers as a miss (even in CQC *Close Quarters Combat*). It can miss a direct shot under any circumstances at any distance reguardless of movement of the target and your skill it may glitch and miss, Just a friendly warning to anyone purchasing the Dragunov.
  • In CF Vietnam, the Dragunov has an unusual bug where the gun has been completely damaged. In such case, it can be fired in No-zoom mode like a rifle, where the bullet will go straight to center of the screen while jumping, and it can score 1-hit kill on the body whereas this is normally impossible to do with a new Dragunov. Experienced players can easily aim without the crosshair or they can resort to other tools (sometimes they use white-board markers to draw a dot in the screen) to display crosshairs on-screen, thus giving them big advantage in close combat. This glitch has been fixed.


  • In early game release, the weapon can score one-shot kill (except arms and legs) and a 100% accuracy. Commonly used in the early maps of Elimination Mode before being replaced and outclassed by AWM most preferable among players. Prior to removal in most maps in Elimination Mode, the weapon received many nerf like decreased accuracy, revised weapon statistics, and damage dealing but it retains a rate of fire (this would later nerf altogether) making it very inferior and eventually obsolete compared to other sniper rifles, But with the hands of an expert snipers, players can found easily to picking-off enemy. As of this date the weapon still un-nerfed, the reason is unknown.



Main article: Dragunov Tigr 9
The Dragunov Tigr 9 is an upgraded edition of the original Dragunov, which assumes a more modernized appearance with better stats.


  • Most CF versions name this gun as Dragunov, whereas CF Russia, it is called simply SVD (Свд).
  • The scope of the SVD is PSO-1 whose reticle is Chevron type, not crosshairs. It also has a built-in rangefinder on the lower left side. This scope was correctly used on the Tigr-9 variant.


