Crossfire Wiki


Crossfire Wiki

The Crosshair is an important HUD element that aids players in aiming their weapons in all game modes.


During a match, the Crosshair is displayed in the center of the screen, which takes the form of a hollow "+" by default. Moving, jumping, crouching, shooting or using broken weapons will make the crosshair grow bigger to indicate that accuracy is taking place, and it will slowly shrink back to normal when players cease acting. When the crosshair is at its smallest, players will have pinpoint accuracy.

All weapons have Crosshair enabled when drawn to the screen. Most Sniper Rifles have no crosshair, but some are exception to this rule and will have crosshair displayed in certain modes; however, they will still be inaccurate when unscoped, and the crosshair is simply there to aid players in quick-scoping.



Old Crosshair UI

Initially, players could only choose between three Crosshair types: Hollow +, Hollow + with a dot, Circle with a dot. There are only three color options: Green, Yellow, Cyan.

Renewal Setting[]


New Crosshair UI

In the Custom Crosshair, players are allowed to further finetune the crosshair to their taste. Along the newly added Crosshair types, there are deeper adjustments as listed below:

  • Adjust the length (size), width (thickness), default central spread and transparency level based on the players' vision need.
  • Customize the middle red dot size and its transparency level.
  • The default color options now includes Purple, Red and White. In addition, players have full access to customize color display based on the RGB color code mixing.
  • Add the black outer line and its transparency level to increase visibility on the screen (suitable for bright maps).
  • Toggle the Dynamic Crosshair, which allows players to make Crosshair completely static and no longer react to players' action.

After customizing the Crosshair to their taste, players have the option to export their setting into a Numeric String, which can then be imported or replicated by other players to achieve the same effect.

Crosshair Gallery[]

These are the some crosshair examples of customized Crosshair, which players can apply these Numeric String to their own setting.
