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"The rumors of the Terminator were spreading around, and humans were falling into panic, of course with the exception of these soldiers - A bunch of warriors who call themselves "Ghost Hunters" (or just lunatics by some others' eyes), they were not only survived in the previous wars that kept on for many years, but also trained with a new battle technique of fighting against mutants. Their weapons were no longer being the regular guns, but a kind of special Dual Kukri which were forged with rare metals (which is been proved that they're able to kill biochemical creatures effectually without letting them revived). They're now majored in hunting mutants, and the so-called Terminator is the next target they're looking for." - CF China's description |
Commando is a special male hero character in CrossFire, available in Hero Mode X and Master Hero Mode X.
He seems to be a professional wrestler and also a soldier who was being tortured and beaten by the mutants, and he has a skull-shaped tattoo on the left shoulder. He wears a sports band, an open-chest mutation vest, and military/camouflage pants and shoes. He also had an attachment from his pants like the pistol case, grenade launcher bullet case, mini bags, and the chain. Unfortunately, all of these are unusable including the Grenade-Bio and vest pocket. The Commando has a large muscular build but his body is covered with scars and scratches. The last surviving soldiers will have the option to transform into the Commando by pressing the E key. The number of Commandos depends on how many players there are in the room.
Commando is equipped with the Dual Kukri. Each primary attack deals -1400 HP and the secondary attack deals up to -4200 HP, enough to take out a Berserker and two perfect hits will kill the Xeno. The Commando starts with 7000 HP (10000 HP in Master Hero Mode X) and can't be mutated, he can only be killed (but also at the same time the player respawn as a mutant in Master Hero Mode X). Each mutants' normal primary attack to the Commando deals 1000 HP and each secondary one deals only 1500 HP while Xeno's secondary attacks can deal up to 6000 HP at point-blank range. When pressing E to become a Commando, he will scream like showing off his muscular voice which shows his readiness for battle against the Mutants. He can deal twice the damage when hit on the mutant's head (2800 HP for the primary attack, 8400 HP for the secondary attack, enough to take out a Titan mutant).
- Note: When Xeno activates his G skill, the damage he takes from the Commando reduces by one-tenth so it becomes only -100 HP for Commando's primary attack and -400 HP for his secondary attack. As a Commando, players may want to back off for safety and attack Xeno once his G skill dispels.
Players earn 1 point for every 1000 HP damage to the mutants. On the average, assuming the only player becomes Commando against 13 mutants (including Xeno), he/she can earn as much as 35 points just for being a Commando if solo-killin them all. This does not include points earned during the infection, however.
Additional Info[]
Number of Players | Number of Commandos |
8-14 Players | 1 Commando |
15 Players | 2 Commandos |
16 Players | 3 Commandos |
Version Differences[]
- In CF Vietnam and CF Indonesia, Commando is available as an independent character, usable in all modes. CF Vietnam first offered this character in September 2015 event for people who spent 3456 or 4567 Vcoin in-game, then often featured on shopping spree events, often requiring players to spend at least $200 in-game to obtain, while only the GMs in CF Indonesia can use this character. There is only one model for both GR and BL, and Commando also lacks an image display nor a proper name index (appears as Human Boss in the Item Storage). The HUD is also a bit messy due to Commando not being designed to hold anything other than Dual Kukri.
- GMs in CF Indonesia always uses this character if they play with the players or making random events in normal modes; however, it got a bug where the face of Commando change to pure white (like Slenderman).
- In CF Philippines, Commando was made available as an independent character in all modes, named "Black Raven". Again, there is only one model for both GR and BL. However, only one person got it, as a result, it never happens to see the character.
Tips & Tricks[]
- Don't always press E as soon as players see the indication. If players are in a good defensive position with the mutants far away and still have ammo, keep firing until the mutants get too close. If players are in a good stealth position, just don't fire the weapon and prepare in case of mutants approaching until the time runs out. The soldiers' team will win once time runs out.
- When playing with friends or clanmates, it's a good tactic to have one or two Commando at the end of the match while the others keep firing. They can help soften up the mutants so the Commandos can kill them more easily. This is very effective against Xeno, one Commando defends the front and the other Soldiers behind fires at him until he flashes red, then the Commando can finish him off.
- Always go together and watch each other's back. By the time players can become the Commando, mutants are more than likely to become outnumbered, so don't go solo on them.
- Keep the Mutation Vest - it's still effective when players become the Commando as it can take 1000 more damage and lose 2 HP only. Normal armors are useless by the way.
- If players still have the Grenade-Bio, try to lure as many mutants as possible, throw it down the foot and press E as soon as possible. With the correct timing, players can become the Commando as soon as the grenade explodes, killing all the mutants for a big score and weakening up Berserk/Titan ones, allowing to finish them off more easily. This also works against Xeno.
- Kill the Xeno ASAP, he is the biggest threat since Xeno can solo kill 3 Commandos without any other mutants. Having one player lure him around and the other two slash him with primary attacks is a good way to kill him without getting hit too much, plus he can take 3000 damage from Commando.
- When facing a bunch of mutants, try to lure them around corners, staircases, corridors... and move in circles (jumping and strafing helps greatly). Often the Mutants will get stuck together and players can kill them before they can turn back.
- Use high vantage points to defend if the player is outnumbered and don't have anyone else nearby to help. Try places that only have one way to go up, so the mutants will have to come and find the player one by one. With good timing, players can kill any mutant jumping toward with the secondary attack, if not, quickly back down or strafe around and slash them with primary attacks. Players can often score at least 10 - 15 kills before the mutants can get closed up.
- When becoming the Commando, make sure there are some teammates around as the teammates can help by shooting at the mutants.
- When becoming the Commando, watch the surrounding, there is a possibility that Mutants are trying to ambush.
- CF Vietnam initially named Commando as Super Hero, then changed to Thủ lĩnh (Commando), and finally, 1119 patch changed to use the official "Commando" term. Despite this, the HUD texture still read Super Hero vs. Terminator (Xeno). His health bar HUD also still named Super Hero.
- When the player becomes the Commando, you can hear the Commando saying "Commando!".
- After the "Alice vs. Predator" patch in CF Indonesia, the Commando model become glitched, instead of becoming the Commando, the player will become a Navy Seal with Dual Kukri, and the Dual Kukri model is also glitched. It has been fixed.
- In some CrossFire versions, there is a character named Commando (Red Power), but it's not related to Hero Mode X.
- Smilegate made the loading screen character renders for this character, even though this character is not publicly released due to bugs and glitches. BL has a slightly brownish filter, while GR has a blueish filter.
- In CF Europe, only GMs and MODs can use this character. Although it uses the Commando render in the loading screen, the Storage renders, name and model uses the original Hero from Hero Mode. Along with this, using Hero on Global Risk side causes your arms to be very large, similar to the old bug with the Type 89.