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ItemIcon 5473

Character Option Change

ItemIcon 5472

Character Option Extraction

Itemicon 8157

VVIP Character Option Slot Extension (General)

Itemicon 8158

VVIP Character Option Slot Extension (Advanced)

Itemicon 8156

VVIP Character Option Change

Character Upgrade System is an upgrading system for characters in CrossFire.


Like the name suggested, this system can upgrade some certain in-game characters (various between versions) that players can upgrade characters by customizing favored skills based on players' needs. Characters can be upgraded up to two, three, or four skills with various options provided.

Besides the common skills which can be found in characters obtainable from AI Tickets/AI Rewards/Black Market, this system now features permanent items and more skills specialized in certain modes. These skills are categorized as Normal Skills (colored blue) and Special Skills (colored gold). Both can be randomly swapped by using Character Option Change Card (obtainable from Item Shop, Mileage Shop or from Reward Crates in Zombie Mode) or can be extracted by using Character Option Extraction Card thus said skills will be saved in the extraction tab storage for later use.

Players can use one Character Option Change Card to see other new skills, and decide whether to keep the old one or use the new one (similar to Accessory System). Players can use 10 cards at once to see the list of 11 skills (10 from the cards, and 1 from additional bonus skills) provided and decide which skill to choose.

VVIP Characters that features skills are treated slightly different. Players can freely changes all available skills without relying on luck using VVIP Character Skill Change Ticket. A free Ticket is provided once per day, allowing players to change to new skills as they like.


Available in all CrossFire versions


These are the skills that players can pick based on players' playstyle. Notice that old characters which are firstly released (depending on servers) don't feature new skills, such as Reload-Skipped Skill or Reduced Cooling Time in Mutation Mode; furthermore, some skills are exclusively available for specific characters.
Card Icon Description
ItemIcon 5834 Icon 18s Auto-reload rifles
(activated when switching to another weapon in the bag after 5 seconds)
ItemIcon 6212 Icon 17s Auto-reload sniper rifles
(activated when switching to another weapon in the bag after 5 seconds)
ItemIcon 5489 Icon 16s Auto-reload secondary weapons
(activated when switching to another weapon in the bag after 5 seconds)
ItemIcon 5477 Icon 4s Immunity to self/teammates' grenades
ItemIcon 5476 Icon 3s Reduced fall damage
ItemIcon 5475 Icon 2s Reduced blinding time from Flashbang
ItemIcon 9057 Icon 46s Freely change bags in Zombie Modes with a 20-second cooldown
(similar effect with AI Bag Switch)
CUS 79 CUS 79 Icon Press B to change bags in Mutation Modes with a 20-second cooldown
(ammo status is preserved between switches)
CUS 81 CUS 81 Icon Awakening (E) Skill cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds
ItemIcon 5474 Icon 1s Reduced smoke effect from Smoke Grenade
ItemIcon 5478 Icon 5s Gauge fill upon killing zombies is increased in Zombie Modes
ItemIcon 5479 Icon 6s Bulletproof Helmet
ItemIcon 5480 Icon 7s Bulletproof Vest
ItemIcon 5481 Icon 8s Mutation Vest
ItemIcon 5483 Icon 10s Increased health point in Mass Mutation Mode only
ItemIcon 5485 Icon 11s Increased movement speed in Mutation Modes
ItemIcon 5484 Icon 12s Increased movement speed in Mass Mutation Mode only
ItemIcon 5486 Icon 13s Additional ammo magazine in Mutation Modes through Supply Box
ItemIcon 5487 Icon 14s Additional 500 AC point in Mutation Modes
ItemIcon 5488 Icon 15s Create penetrating damage through mutants' armors right after reloading
ItemIcon 7656 Icon 29s Press F to automatically reload weapons as the reloading animation is skipped for 10s in Mutation Modes
ItemIcon 7655 Icon 30s Reduce skill cooldown time for mutants in Mutation Modes
ItemIcon 9054 Icon 43s Predator Eyes: In Mutation Modes, players can check Mutants' HP (in soldier state) and Soldiers' armor (in mutant state).
ItemIcon 9055 Icon 44s Decrease Respawn Time in Zombie Modes
(Elite PVE Mode excluded)
ItemIcon 9056 Icon 45s Create a large explosion upon dying in Zombie Modes
CUS 58 CUS 58 Icon Activate Heartbeat Sensor when a nearby player is about to become a host mutant before the 5-second countdown in Mutation Modes
CUS 59 CUS 59 Icon Press 5 or 6 to instant heal without having to switch to HypoMed-S / L in Zombie Modes
CUS 60 CUS 60 Icon Add a Decoy Grenade to the player's inventory
(press 4)
CUS 70 CUS 70 Icon Equip a Protective Shield in Zombie Modes unpon spawning which absorbs taken damage and will explode once depleted, hence damage zombies nearby and grants a temporary speed boost
CUS 71 CUS 71 Icon Hunter's Eagle Eyes: In Mutation Modes, players can check Mutants' HP (in soldier state) and Soldiers' ammo count (in mutant state)
CUS 80 CUS 80 Icon Press B to switch to Maiden 2.0, Maiden or Assassin when playing in Mutation Modes (20-second cooldown)
ItemIcon 5482 Icon 9s Emotion (Press N)
Icon 20s Emotion (press N)


  • The Emotion skill is the default for some characters like ULP-Renewal. It can't be swapped to other skills, however.
  • In CF China, the Icon 29s and Icon 30s skill were initially for all upgradeable characters, even older ones like FOX-Seaside. Later then, Tencent stated that the two skills are limited to newer upgradeable characters (starting from STAR-Renewal, Girl Crush-Noble Gold and Sabel-X), and the incident which older characters can also see the two skills and successfully apply is a visual bug. They also stated any players that has applied the two skills in older characters will be compensated instead.
  • In CF Vietnam, the CUS 59 Icon skill is partially broken, as sometimes pressing 5 or 6 in Zombie Mode room does nothing, effectively locking players out of their HypoMed cache with no way to heal themselves. It's unknown what caused this.
  • In Mass Mutation Mode, the Skip Reload Icon 29s skill shares the same function key (F) with the special weapons (FAL Custom Camo-Stray, AT4, Flamethrower), resulting that players couldn't activate the skill but the special weapon will be drawed out instead. This has been addressed after 4 years starting from CF China, as now the system will prioritize the Skip Reload still over the special weapons.

