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Boss Annihilator is the newest Zombie Mode add-on that focuses on defeating Bosses, similar to Boss Arena but with new mechanics and power-ups.


This mode supports 8 players, the largest amount among all ZM modes. There are three difficulty, of which the hardest one (Nightmare) forbid HypoMed-S/L and limit Revival Coins to only 3 per match.


Players start with unlimited ammo and the Slide skill (F) by default and they can choose one of the four supporting skills (Medic's Grenade, Hammer, Gravity Glove and Shield Card) to deal with the hordes and bosses. This mode features extensive Critical Hits that's scored upon continuously shooting enemies (Can be increased by artifacts / special Anti-Zombie weapons).

Each map has two mid-bosses and one final boss that must be defeated to win. They're subjected to the support skill that requires players to coordinate their attack well to stun the boss and increase damage dealing to him.



Since its first release, Boss Annihilator has received several updates to balance and make it easier for players to keep track of their surrounding. The following updates have been implemented:

  • Upon releases, Nightmare difficulty forbids both HypoMed and Revival Coins usage. After Titan Citadel was released, players can use 3 Revival Coins in Nightmare difficulty.
  • The scoreboard on the right side of the screen now show players' equipped supporting skill, and it's now possible to see fellow players' HP bar and Supporting Skill when pointed at them. This is likely done to help keeping track of fellow players' status easier so they can be healed with M4A1-S Under Tech.
  • The player who aggro the bosses now has their name printed in a red crosshair near the boss's Lifebar at the top of the screen. This help players keep track of who's being targeted in order to ease up their firing speed to make sure the boss won't come loose.
  • After Arcadia update, the Stun Window Indicator has been added to Boss Annihilator. Whenever a boss is stunned, a small icon with a timer is displayed, showing Soldiers exactly how long they have to use Gravity Gloves.