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The bag is a functional item that allows players to store weapons to bring to the battlefield. Each bag can carry a Primary weapon (Shotgun, SMG, Rifle, MG, or Sniper), a Secondary weapon (PistolDual Double Barrel, or the MAC-10), and 3 grenades (A, B and C type, requires owning Grenade Bag). The default Knife (Wood Hammer in VN) is always present in all Bags and cannot be removed, players can only remove other equipped melee.

Upon creating an account, players are given 2 Bags in their inventory. They can buy additional bags via Item Shop or via its correspondence number.

Bag's Available[]

  • Bag 1: basic (all versions).
  • Bag 2: basic (all versions except CF Japan).
  • Bag 3
  • Bag 4
  • Bag 5
  • Bag 6
  • Bag 7
  • Bag 8 (CF China only, exclusive to accounts playing on PC Cafe System computers.


Bagset 0
Bagset 1
Bagset 2

Backpacks are new functional items that allow players to customize different bags loadout to suit their playstyle without having to constantly shuffle weapons around.

Each Backpack provides a separate 7 normal Bags that can be filled with player's weapons, and switching Backpack will change the entire weapon set equipped in those 7 bags. This feature is useful if players play a lot of modes and need to equip certain weapon sets, such as one for S&D (favoring rifles and snipers), one for Mutation mode & variants (favoring MG or SMG with lots of ammo) and one for Zombie Mode (favoring anti-zombie weapons).

Backpacks can be selected in the Inventory and in room before starting the match, however once in-game, players are stuck to the backpack they picked beforehand, and they must either finish the match or desert it to select another backpack. All weapon's perks, including VVIPs, are separated between backpacks, so only weapons from the selected backpack will give perks to its owner and everyone in the same room.

Backpack Grenade Slot Icon

In order to use Backpacks, players must own all 7 bags permanently, and a separate Grenade Expansion Slot item must be purchased to use all 3 grenades type on the second Backpack set.

Available in these versions:

  • CF China
  • CF West
  • CF Brazil
  • CF Philippines
  • CF Russia
  • CF Indonesia
  • CF Vietnam


  • Only Bag 3 has a 7d purchasing option. All other bags can only be rented for 30 days at once. Except CF Vietnam where Bag 4 also have save purchasing option as Bag 3.
  • CF China is the first version to sell bags as Cash items (followed by CF West and CF Vietnam), whereas all other versions sell it as GP item. This is also the first server that sells permanent Bags (6 and 7).
    • With August 2019 patch in CF West, all bags (3,4,5,6,7) were released permanently in the item shop for GP and ZP (Bag 3 and 4 for 190.080 GP and Bag 5, 6 and 7 for 25.000 ZP).
    • In a recent update, CF Vietnam also released permanent bags in the item shop for GP and GoCoin (Bag 3 and 4 for 200000 GP, Bag 5,6 for 284 GoCoin and Bag 7 for 340 GoCoin).
    • CF Philippines also released permanent bags in the item shop for eCoin, with every permanent Bag costs 60 eCoins each.
  • If players have weapons stored in a bag that expired, the weapons may get stuck and can't be put into another Bag. Make sure to remove all weapons from a bag that's about to expire if you don't plan to rent it anymore.
    • In CF PH, weapons in the bag(s) that expired will be automatically removed.
  • In CF PH, there is a bug that the 7th bag can't buy flashbang and smoking grenade due to lack of space in-game database but you can buy a grenade. This bug hasn't been fixed yet.
    • Also in CF Philippines, it has another bug where the Bag3 is obtained via Black Market GP capsule as a temporary item it will automatically disappear on Item Storage when players enter a room lobby. This bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Backpack B (Green) was unreleased for the longest time, despite the files being added alongside Backpack A. It was finally rolled out to CF Vietnam as of July 2024, enabling players to customize a total of three bag set.