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Adventure Mode is the fourth installment of Zombie Mode in CrossFire. Unlike previous installments, players are given total freedom on how to tackle the map, and the end goal is simply to deal enough damage to the Final Boss to successfully win the associated prizes that come with it.

Unique to other modes, Adventure Mode operates on a Seasonal Basis, with each new maps and reward tiers replacing the old map completely. Legacy maps can still be played via warping, but otherwise rewards can only be obtained via crate drop and Historical Shop.


  • CF China: Adventure Mode
  • CF West: Zombie Mode 4 ~ Adventure Mode
  • CF Brazil: Exploration Mode
  • CF Vietnam: Adventure Mode
  • CF Philippines: Zombie Apocalypse 4



Up to 5 players can join an Adventure Mode room. Once started, players are free to roam around the map, either killing zombies or summoning bosses to collect buff, at their own leisure. All Adventure Mode maps operate on a fixed timer, and once the Final Stand begins, all activities will stop and players can attempt to deal enough damage to the map's Final Boss to collect the associated prizes, usually a 3-star boss card drop.

Bosses are summoned at various Trigger Towers found around the map, and all players are locked inside their arena until the fight ends. To summon bosses, players must collect and use Boss Card, ranging from 1-star to 6-star. The higher tier the bosses are, the tougher they are in term of total HP and damage dealing, plus some will assume new appearance and utilize more deadly attacks.

Additionally, there is the weekly boss card limit dropped by defeating bosses, and ones obtained via JON Minigames are not counted, however. The limit has been changed based on each map's update.

Maps 3-star 4-star 5-star
Red Zone: Counter Attack 50 10 5
Forbidden Zone 150 10 5
God Zone 500 50 15


1-star and 2-star boss cards are droppable and tradable in the JON Minigames. Uniquely, 3-star boss cards can drop from after defeating 1-star and 2-star bosses or simply farming minion (with low rate).

There are two sectors: The Lost Garden and the Hidden Fortress that houses Elite Zombies spawn area. Killing these guys guarantees 1-star boss card drop (sometimes they can drop 2-star boss cards too). In addition, the Mini Bosses that spawns after every 2 normal Zombie waves in all sections (minus Lost Castle) will drop a 1-star boss card.


  • (*) - Goliath (both 1-star and 2-star) will ONLY drop 3-star Isabel Beatrix when killed. The reason behind this is unknown.


  • (*) - Can only be obtained via trading with JON after winning the SOS Minigame.
  • (**) - Can only be obtained via drops.
  • (1) - Despite featuring a different appearance in its boss card, Sand Dragon didn't have updated model when summoned, it's shared with its 1-star and 2-star counterpart.


  • (*) - Can only be obtained via trading with JON after winning the SOS Minigame.
  • (**) - Can only be obtained by placing top 4-30 on the weekly leaderboard.

The mechanism in this map remains the same before, but players might have to consume 1-star or 2-star boss cards from RZ:CA map in the JON Minigames. In certain cases, 3-star or 4-star boss card trade requires two or three RZ:CA boss cards, and 4-star boss card trade requires one RZ:CA 4-star boss card.

There is a small courtyard on the far West that houses Proton Titan and Brutes (Elite Zombies), killing them guarantee at least 1 card drop, and this number doubles on Golden Day. If players have the Dimension Canteen (increase rare card drop rate), up to 4 cards can drop from killing these zombies.


  • Upon opening the boss card via in-game has a known visual bug, whereas a player can see their cards are duplicated, however, it does not affect the boss cards that they have been collected for so long ago.


  • It was possible to "reset" weekly drops limit by reaching Diamond 10 on the Conqueror Reward. Do not click Reset, simply keep playing as usual and earn any 3, 4 and 5-star cards. When the match is finished, quit to lobby and change to another server, the drop limit will reset back to 0. This glitch has been patched.
  • It was possible to "bug" boss cards by utilizing the Public Match option. The host must have lots of boss cards to spend, then invite 4 other players into their lobby. Start the match, summon all high-star bosses they have, and when Manticore of Doom appears, the host can crash the game by End Tasking crossfire.dat. This step allows the host to retain all of the boss cards they've used, but at the same time they won't get to keep any reward drops during the match they deserted. The idea is that the 4 other players get to keep their loot, and the host can simply repeat this step as many times as they like. This glitch has been patched in CF Vietnam.