An example which displays a character equipping two rings and a band at the same time
Accessory System is an extra system for special costume items in CrossFire.
The accessory system consists of two rings and a bracelet, which players can equip on their character's right hand. The bracelet is stritcly cosmetic, but the two rings come with effects that can be enhanced randomly, similar to card enhancing in Wave Mode.
Available in all CrossFire versions
- Main article: Ring

Effect Renewal ticket

An example which displays all 3 ring effects at the same time
There are three default effects depends on which rings the player bought. They can be enabled / disabled individually:
- Attack Indication: Displays brief hit markers upon a successful hit against enemy players
- Threat Detection: Players that have hit or killed you will glow red for easier identification for revenge
- HP / Ammo HUD: Displays an HP / Ammo counter around the crosshair.
Each ring will have three additional effects upon purchasing, chosen randomly from five available:
- EXP Bonus
- GP Bonus
- Extended Combo Time
- HP Recover (Zombie Mode): Recover HP upon successful hits against zombies (like Critical Hits).
- Damage Reflect (Zombie Mode): Damage inflicted by zombies have a chance to reflect back.
Each of these perks are available in a 1 to 5 stars grade system - the higher they are, the better the perks will be:
Grades | EXP Bonus | GP Bonus | Extended Combo time | HP Recover | Damage Reflect |
4% | 4% | +0.3s | 1 | 2% | |
8% | 8% | +0.4~0.5s | 2 | 4% | |
12% | 12% | +0.6~0.7s | 3 | 6% | |
16% | 16% | +0.8~0.9s | 4 | 8% | |
20% | 20% | +1s | 5 | 10% |
- Main article: Band
Bands are the functional items that can be equipped on the wrist of the character's unpreferred hand, and they come with fixed special effects.
- This feature has been in the testing stage for a long time in CF China, and finally, after almost 1 year, it has been released in other servers starting with CF Vietnam. Initially, the rings are functional items that don't show up on the character's hands, but eventually, the ring models have been updated to several servers.
- As of February 2020, CF South Korea, Brazil, Philippines and West have upgraded this system. The rings will now show up on the player characters' hand (left or right, depends on their setting). CF Vietnam has also finally shown up the rings' HUD on the July 2020 update.
- Some versions such as CF West and CF Philippines added the Threat Detection perk as part of VVIP perks for the BC-Axe Beast. This perk effectively replaced the need for Fury Dragon Gold ring, since it's not possible for players to wear both at the same time as an Item.
- On its first release in CF Philippines, many players complained why they can't see the rings equipped in their character's hands, making them think it's a bug but unbeknownst to them that the said feature was only available in CF China.
- CF Vietnam incorrectly translated the Damage Reflect effect as HP Recovery Chance - the player has a chance to recover HP by a percent when getting hit by zombies, which make all players confused because the effect didn't work. This mistake has finally been fixed in 2024 after numerous reports.
- The Damage Reflect Perk is quite useful when used against bosses, due to the instant-kill melee attacks that have a chance to bounce back and kill them immediately. Just take their melee and use Shift to negate damage, but if the perk is triggered, the boss will still take the full damage and die in one hit.
- This trick is applicable to both Guardian (Boss War), Demon Sentry and Dr. Haze (Titan Citadel). For Dr. Haze, players must attempt this while she's using Laserwall, as her normal melee attacks aren't instant-kill.
- This exploit has now been patched in CF Philippines and has now excluded Zombie Bosses from the perk, this change may be relayed to other versions.