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"Thanks to its low cost, simple design, and rugged quality the AK47 is used by many nations. However, its strong recoil makes it difficult to control."
- Weapon description

AK47 is an assault rifle in CrossFire.


The AK47 is a select-fire, gas-operated 7.62×39mm assault rifle developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov.

The AK47 has high accuracy, high damage, and a medium rate of fire making this weapon an excellent and reliable weapon in any combat situation. Because of its power, range, and cheap price, the AK47 is one of the most popular and efficient guns in the game. It's mostly known as the main competitor of M4A1. While the AK47's damage per bullet surpasses the M4A1's and has a relatively fast draw/reload time (on par with the M4A1), it is offset with it's high recoil.

Despite its high damage and accuracy, this weapon suffers high recoil after its first few shots and produces a very loud firing noise, allowing enemies to easily identify users of the AK47. As a result, this gun is often used by expert players as they know how to control the gun's recoil effectively.

This weapon can hold up to 30 rounds per magazine, with 60 or 90 rounds (depends on CF versions) in reserve.


Available in all CrossFire versions

Tips and Tactics

  • Learn to control the recoil pattern.
    If firing continuously, This gun can deal a large amount of damage at short to mid range within a short period of time, so long as players can control the recoil properly.
  • Rushing and camping can be effective strategies.
    Thanks to the AK47's ability to be used as a spray weapon, it is generally far more effective with single fire or burst fire.
  • It is recommended for skilled or experienced players.
    Because most of them are able to utilize the AK-47 effectively.
  • Perform quick switch (by pressing Q)
    When the recoil is too high and the accuracy loses do the quick switch, and then the crosshair size will be normal again. But be careful, switching weapon requires some time. Can combine with VVIP melee weapons so the switch would be more faster.



RIFLE AK-47-Knife
Main article: AK47-Knife
The AK47-Knife is a customized variant that comes attached with an under barrel bayonet, allowing for melee attack in closed combat situations.

Main article: AK47-Scope
The AK47-Scope is a customized variant that comes attached with a red dot-sight scope and retractable buttstock to increase stability and accuracy in long ranged battles.

Main article: AK47-Silencer
The AK47-Silencer is a customized variant that comes attached with a silencer, which reduces firing noise and allows for stealth kills.

AK-47 Buster
Main article: AK47-Buster
The AK47-Buster is a heavily modified variant that comes with dual magazine set up, unusable holographic sight and an under barrel Multi-Grenade Launcher that ís usable in Zombie Modes.


  • AK47 is one of the weapons with most variants in the game, beside M4A1.
  • There is a Soviet Union symbol which is engraved near the pistol grip of the old model of AK47.
    • Meanwhile, there are three skulls engraved on the new model of AK47. It is easily seen on AK47 Silencer.
    • Also, there are many weird gibberish that can be found on the new model of AK47.
  • The old AK47 is one of the few weapons that receives the new animations.
    • However, CF China and CF Philippines didn't update the animation for some reasons, instead they use the new animation for a few variants like the tournament variants of AK47 or AK47-Knife variants.
    • The old AK47 actually have two HUD models: one with fixed the missing cocking handle on the characters' HUD (which is same with AK47-Balance) and one with missing the cocking handle (the original one). This doesn't apply to the Knife and Scope variants as their models have fixed the missing cocking handle.
    • After the 2019 Xmas update in CF Vietnam, the old AK47 models have reverted back to the old animation. Making CF Vietnam the third version to uses the old animation for the old AK47 models.
    • CF Brazil also updated old AK47 animation after an update.
    • CF Philippines now updated the new animation for AK47 (and its variants) on its February 2020 update while reverting old animation for AK47-Knife (and its variants) with new spray pattern for both.
  • This gun is very popular in many official CrossFire tournaments alongside the M4A1. Most attackers and back-up players choose it due to its firepower and accuracy.
  • This weapon can be found scattered around the area of many Elimination maps (Alaska, Crossroad, etc).
  • CF Vietnam is currently the only version that nerfed AK47 with higher spray pattern and slow firing rate. Only a few of these AK47s that still remain with its original stats, including: AK47-Phoenix (temporary version), AK47-Buster (and variants), AK47-Festa 2019, all scoped and tournament variants. AK47 VVIPs are also nerfed, but their stats are still superior compared to other nerfed variants.
    • In CF Japan, AK47 was also got nerfed with higher spray pattern and slow firing rate. After CF Japan was terminated, CF Vietnam is now the only server that retains the nerfed status of this gun.
    • Due to service transition, starting from AK47-Sakura 2, every "brand new" AK-47 variant features the original stats.
  • This gun have a slightly different firing sound in CF Indonesia and CF Philippines (except VVIP variants, which uses normal AK47 sound in CF Philippines while it uses exclusive firing sound in CF Indonesia).
    • This firing sound was also used in CF Vietnam and CF West, as can be seen in some older footages, but it was changed later.
  • In CF Vietnam, AK47 GP is the only variant that can use in tournament that VTC holds, and players can't use tournament variants which is better. But after AK47-10th Anniversary released, it replaced the GP one. This also happens to other weapons (M4A1, Desert Eagle, AWM).
  • In CF West, AK47 is one of the basic weapons for new players.
  • Ironically, the AK47's fire selector is set into "safe" position on the gun model, so it shouldn't be able to fire in reality.


